Shailesh Varma
2 min readApr 15, 2019

Be Good, Don’t Be Good

You are a good person and that person is the worst because I know of nothing awful that you have done while he/she has done something really pathetic. That’s how we judge people but is it how it should be done?

The person you are referring to as good may be even worse. Just because most of us are good when the conditions are good doesn’t proves who we really are. It is then we should be judged when the conditions do not favour us, when something is at stake. The decision we take then defines us the person we are. No one does bad when everything’s good. In fact most of the people we refer to as good or even we ourselves aren’t good enough. We may choose our comfort over our righteousness. ”Their morals, their codes ,its a bad joke, dropped at the first sign of trouble. They are only as good as the world allows them to be. I’ll show you when the chips are down, these civilised people will eat each other” said by The Joker in ‘The Dark Knight’ defines it exactly how it is.

So before you judge anyone or even yourself just see what you or they did in their worst times and judge accordingly. If person is too good in good times and worst when the conditions worsen, trust me, no one’s as fake as that person because such people try being good, disguised ,undercover and reveal their true colours on the right time. Trust me they are no less than sleeper cells and btw if you too aren’t good, it isn’t bad. Like all of us can’t be cricketers or astronauts or pilots, in the same way we all can’t be good. The balance should be maintained. Just make sure you don’t end up turning a good guy into a bad one because that’s what is unforgivable.

Shailesh Varma
Shailesh Varma

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